Registered Charity No. 803112
BOOKING FORM FOR u3a Social – 1970s Disco

BOOKING FORM FOR u3a Social – 1970s Disco

Friday, 22ND September 2023

Time: 7.00pm – 10.30pm

Venue: Constitutional Club
12 Guildhall Street, Bury St Edmunds IP33 1PR

  • The cost of the ticket is £5 per person, and we are limited to 60 people.
  • Places will be allocated in order of receipt of booking form and payment.
    Once the event is full, a waiting list will be created.
  • There will be a bar, but no food will be provided so please feel free to bring along your own nibbles.
  • Bookings available to Members and their partners (partner does not need to be a Member of the u3a).
  • If you have any questions about this social event (including accessibility issues) please Sue,

Please complete this form:

    Please reserve places for me for the 1970s Disco on Friday, 22nd September, 2023

    Bookings available to Members and their partners (partner does not need to be a Member of the u3a).

    Insert your Membership number if known; if you’re bringing a guest/non u3a member this field is not required to be completed.

    (for confirmation and further communications from Sue)

    • You can pay by BACS transfer, account details as follows:
      Account Name: University of the Third Age – Bury St Edmunds
      Sort code: 30-91-49
      Account No: 02509615
      Reference: Use your Initial plus Surname and Social.
    • Or, if paying by cheque:
      Please make it out to u3a in BSE and reference on the back of the cheque – your name and Social Disco
      Please post or deliver to u3a in Bury St Edmunds, 90 Risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds IP33 3AA


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