Registered Charity No. 803112
Contact and Help

Contact and Help

For help and/or other information, please start by selecting which recipient you would like to send your enquiry to by selecting from the drop down menu in the ‘Send to’ box below:

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    By submitting this form you agree to the Privacy Policy of this website and the storing of the submitted information.

    By email:

    View Committee Members

    If you wish to contact a committee member directly their email address can be found here (logged-in members only).

    Chair – contact for any suggestions you think may be of interest for u3a in BSE

    Education – contact for everything concerning Trips (different to Social events, see Secretary below)

    Interest Groups – In the first instant please contact the Group Leader directly about joining an Interest Group. Interest Groups – u3a Bury St Edmunds 

    If a group is full, please ask the Group Leader to be added to the waiting list, and you can also complete the form Section 1 to be put down for an additional group of the same subject: Joining an Interest Group – u3a Bury St Edmunds

    Other enquiries, for example, how to start an Interest Group and/or if as Group Leader you need support then please contact the Interest Group Co-ordinator.

    Membership – contact for all membership queries, paying or renewing your subscription

    Monthly Talks – contact for everything to do with monthly talks (lectures) held at The Apex

    News – contact for:
    * items and photos about your Interest Group to be added or amended on the website
    * any news you wish to be in the next Newsletter
    * any Interest Group events you wish to promote to other u3a members

    Publicity contact for:
    * anything to do with publicity of the u3a or for the u3a

    Social – contact for:
    * attending u3a social events
    * suggestions for social events
    * offer of help, volunteering at social events

    Secretary – contact for:
    * any item you wished to be raised at the monthly committee meetings, usually held the first Tuesday of the month
    * anything to do with the National and Regional u3a
    * also contact the secretary regarding Social Events

    Treasurer – contact for any financial matters

    Trips – contact for all enquiries concerning u3a Trips

    By Letter:

    Please use email where ever possible.

    If you still wish to write to us our address is:
    u3a in Bury St Edmunds
    The Risbygate Centre
    90 Risbygate Street
    Bury St Edmunds
    IP33 3AA

    please note: this address is not manned it is for post only

    Member Log in

    To view the members only information within our web site please enter your username and password below.

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    To recover your password or username you must complete a password reset. Please enter the email address associated with your membership to reset your password, if you do not know your email address then please contact us.
