Registered Charity No. 803112
New Interest Groups Starting

New Interest Groups Starting


Interest Groups are the life blood of our u3a where the aim is helping members get together to learn something, share new experiences, and have fun.

u3a is a ‘broad church’ and open to all ideas for interest groups.  Please feel you can suggest one – help and advice is readily at hand to help groups start up, email Jennifer,

The Group Organiser can be more than one person – it is often best if it doesn’t fall to one person, but to have a few members of the interest group help out in organising things as needed.

Subject Advisers are also on hand for many interests – click here

Remember a group doesn’t have to run for ever, it can have a finite length.  Members’ choose how often they want to meet.

Update June ’24 – New Interest Groups starting soon include:

  • Bridge (second group)
  • Bowls (Lawn Bowling)
  • Crime and Justice
  • Croquet
  • Cycling
  • Engineering
  • Forget Me Not (read more about this group in the July newsletter)
  • French for Beginners
  • Luncheon Club
  • Market Town Visits
  • Pickle Ball
  • Scrabble
  • Suffolk Churches and Villages (second group)
  • Walking Cricket (currently have enough members for 1 team, but need 5-7 more members for a second team)
  • Walking Football (currently have enough members for 1 team, but need 5-7 more members for a second team)

If you’d like to join any of these interest groups, please email  Jennifer,

Remember if an existing Interest Group is full, additional groups in the same subject can be started:

  1. in the first instance, please email the Group Organiser to be added to their waiting list, and also
  2. put your name on the relevant list here – Joining an Interest Group | u3a Bury St Edmunds

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