Interest Groups
This page gives you all the details you need to help you choose an Interest Group.
Click on the Group Read More button to get more information and if you wish to join the Group, please contact the Group Organiser directly.
If the Interest Group you wish to join is full how about starting up your own group?
The Bury St Edmunds u3a Committee is here to help please email
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Arts & Crafts

Whether you are interested in exploring the works of classical and modern artists or in creating your own works, there is a group of people here that shares your passion.
* Art Appreciation
* Art History
* Craft Group
* Painting and Drawing
* Portrait Drawing
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Contact with nature can benefit both body and mind. Here are groups that enjoy walking in the countryside, recognising plants and animals seen there, and admiring the work involved in creating beautiful gardens. Some move indoors when the weather worsens, emerging again in Spring!
* Bird Watching
* Gardens
* Walks
* Wildlife
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National history, local history, your history, and history in the making – here are groups exploring the question “How did we get to where we are now?”
* Elizabethan England and the Wider World 1558-1603
* English History
* Elizabethan Age
* Exploration and Discovery in History
* Family History
* History of the English Language
* Suffolk Churches and Villages
* Writing Your Memoirs
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Literature, Theatre & Film

Read and discuss classical literature, the latest Man Booker winner, or a cracking good thriller. Share views on a range of films and dramatic works. Develop your poetry-writing skills with encouragement and support from other poets. Find support for a wide range of literary and dramatic interests.
* Book Groups
* Cinema
* Creative Writing
* English Medieval Literature
* Greek Drama
* Irish Writers
* Poetry Reading
* Shakespeare
* Theatre
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Improve your conversation skills in a range of modern European languages.
* French Culture et Société
* German Conversation & Reading
* Italian Conversation
* Spanish Conversation
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Here are groups that offer a chance to expand your knowledge of a wide range of musical styles, as well as groups for ensemble performance with people who share your enthusiasm for all things musical.
* Choir
* English Music of all Centuries
* Music for All Ages
* Music Matters
* Opera
* Recorder Consort
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Science & Philosophy

These topics are important tools for understanding how the world works. Whether you are interested in the fast-changing worlds of science and technology, or in the slower evolution of philosophical ideas, here are groups to help you explore and understand the world we live in.
* Philosophy for All
* Science in Cambridge
* Science and Society
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Other Interests

For those who defy pigeon-holes!
* Antiques & Collectables
* Dementia Carers (Forget-Me-Not)
* Members On Their Own (MOTO)
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Become a Group Organiser

The idea with u3a is that we all have knowledge we could share and interests we would like to expand. This is achieved mainly through Interest Groups. Interest Groups need someone (a Leader) to sort out what the Group does, where and when, and keeps members informed.
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For the more physically mobile and mentally agile.
* Archers Appreciation Group
* Bridge
* Canasta
* Canasta Group 2
* Chess
* Cribbage
* Cryptic Crosswords
* Flower Arrangement
* General Knowledge Quiz
* Lunch Group
* Mah Jong
* Photography
* Scrabble
* Wine Appreciation
* The Other Wine Group
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For the more physically mobile.
* Badminton
* Bowls (Indoor Bowling)
* Bowls (Lawn Bowls)
* Petanque
* Pickleball
* Racketball
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Social Sciences

Politics, Law and related subjects.
* Crime & Justice
* Current Affairs
* Government & Politics
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