Outdoor Groups

Peter Rose
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
Second and fourth Wednesdays every month
What do we do?
We go to places in East Anglia where we expect (or hope) to see and watch interesting birds and increase our ability to identify and appreciate them.
Outings usually last half to three-quarters of a day.
Members travel by car and lift sharing is encouraged.
Appropriate clothing for the weather is needed, and a pair of binoculars are helpful. At times conditions underfoot are uneven/slippery/boggy and we do some walking and a fair bit of standing around but are glad to use hides where available.
Browse through a selection of our Birds seen here
New members with any level of experience are welcome, however, although we are full and with a short waiting list, in practice we continue to admit new members, as attendance is variable. If you would like to join please contact the Group Leader in the first instance so that we can confirm there is space for you to join us on an outing.
Alternatively, waiting list members could start a new Group – please fill in the form, section 1 https://www.u3aburystedmunds.co.uk/joining-a-group/

Caroline Robinson
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
The group will not be meeting over the winter 24/25, hopefully a limited program of visits will take place during the summer of 2025.
What do we do?
The Garden Group will not be running a winter programme for 2024/25. This is largely due to the increasing costs of speakers and travel but also lack of sufficient practical help.
We do plan to offer some garden visits next summer. Garden Group is a popular group but needs a small team to run it. We need help in organising/planning trips and things. If you would like to help, please email Caroline, thecarolinerobinson@gmail.com
Without help, unfortunately, we will only be able to offer a scaled back programme.
Summer garden visits are generally all day, leaving from and returning to Ram Meadow car park.
The group is usually run by a committee of four members. We charge a fee for membership to cover the hire of the Thomas Clarkson Centre, the visiting speaker fee and our affiliation to the RHS.
Browse through some of the lovely gardens we’ve visited here
We are open to new members and anyone interested in joining us please contact the group leader : Caroline Robinson
Click here to read about our trip to RHS Hyde Hall on May 11th 2022

Rosalind Round
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
First Thursday of the month at 9.45am
What do we do?
The walks vary in length and start usually at 9:45 am, typically finishing before 4:00pm in time for tea and cake.
Our walks can take us over county borders, making for an early start from Bury. Where possible we car share.
We take a packed lunch so that we can get further afield. Each member plans and leads walks, usually walking between 9 and 15 miles.
We occasionally have spaces for new members so please contact the group leader if you would like to hear more about the group or to be put on a waiting list. You can also email interestgroups@u3aburystedmunds.co.uk to be put on a list for a second group.

Geoff Hayward
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
First and third Monday mornings of the month (not July and August).
The walks vary in length and start at 10 am, typically finishing around 12.15
What do we do?
The exercise of a walk on Monday mornings in friendly company is a great way to start your week!
Our walks are 4 to 6 miles in length.
Members of the group volunteer to lead walks and mention points of interest in the countryside, historic buildings, etc.
Please contact the group leader if you are interested in joining the group.

Elizabeth Mann
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
Fourth Thursday of month
What do we do?
Our Group members take it in turns to plan and lead walks which are approx 6 miles in length starting at 10.00. Lunch follows each walk (arranged by the walk leader), generally at a local pub.
Our walks are usually circular – starting and ending at or near the pub designated for lunch – however, members are welcome to plan linear walks when possession of a bus pass might come in handy!
Driving is necessary so we encourage car sharing.
There are a limited number of places available in the group, if interested please send an email to interestgroups@u3aburystedmunds.co.uk

Lin Davey
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
Two Tuesday mornings each month, usually 2nd and fourth, although if we are venturing further afield we enjoy a day trip, generally with a pub lunch.
What do we do?
We visit a wide variety of locations to study the birds, flora and fauna of this area of East Anglia. Most visits are within a 20-mile radius of Bury but we occasionally travel as far as the Suffolk coast.
Click here for a picture of our group on a recent fungus foray
We are open to new members.