All our activities are social by nature, whether it is attending one of our Monthly Talks held at The Apex and having a coffee with others, or joining an Interest Group and meeting and chatting with other members. A number of groups organise visits for example, Theatre, Suffolk Churches and Villages, Antiques and Gardens are just a few…each group operates in it’s own way, with many different opportunities for socialising and making friends – an important element to membership of u3a Bury St Edmunds.
In addition there are a number of popular day coach trips to very interesting locations (organised by our volunteer Pat Lees). For more details click here: Trips – u3a Bury St Edmunds
All events will be advertised in the monthly newsletter, on the website and at the beginning of each Monthly Talk held at The Apex.
Suggestions for social activities are always welcome – please email
Social Activities coming up:
New Member Coffee Mornings
by invite only – to ensure the room can cater for the numbers.
If you’ve recently joined you will receive an invitation directly by email from Sue,