History Groups
Elizabethan England and the Wider World 1558-1603

Alan Dures
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
The course will commence on Monday September 16th, and meet every 1st and 3rd Monday until the end of April 2025.
Time: 2.00 – 4.00pm
Venue: Risbygate Sports Club, off Westley Road IP33 3RR (parking available)
Open to all members. Please contact Alan now to register your interest.
What do we do?
We will examine the personality, the successes and failures of England’s most iconic monarch.
Why did Elizabeth never marry? Was it for political or psychological reasons? How close was Elizabeth to disaster in the first crisis of the reign 1568-72 when confronted by a rebellion of Northern Catholics, supported by Mary Queen of Scots and the Duke of Norfolk?
From the mid 1580s Catholic and Spanish opposition mounted, culminating in the 1588 Spanish Armada. Which side would English Catholics been on if the Armada had landed? Religious unity was not only challenged by Catholic , but also by a group of militant Protestants, the Puritans. The Puritans believed that the Elizabethan Anglican Church contained too many Catholic features, such the wearing of vestments in church services, which they denounced as: “the Rags of the Antichrist”.
We will examine how England compares to Spain and France, in terms of wealth, strength and unity. Why was Spain almost a model of Catholic unity while France experienced some 40 years of religious wars?
England was beginning to expand its horizons from a bit of piracy and slave trading at the expense of the Spanish to new links with the Turks and the Islamic World.
We will also look at topics such as a Spies, Witchcraft and Shakespeare’s London.
Recommended reading:
Elizabeth I by Helen Castor ( 2018) Penguin Monarchs series.
Anyone interested and wanting more details please email the group organiser.

Clare Dawson
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
Monthly on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 2 – 4pm at the Thomas Clarkson Centre, Fursland room.
What do we do?
We are looking at the era of English History 1714 – 1914 covering the Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian periods. Exploring subjects such as Arts and Culture, Notable People, Government, Law and Order and Science and Industry.
Topics are chosen by those group members who wish to present a topic, with group discussion encouraged.
New members welcome.
Dates for this term’s meetings
January 22nd, February 26th and March 26th then break for Easter

Gwynneth Tilley
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
We meet about once every 6 weeks, at the home of one of our members, to discuss informally a set section of a chosen book.
What do we do?
We cover all periods of history, someone suggests a book and we go from there.
We have studied ‘The Age of Enlightenment’ 1730-1810.
We are currently reading ‘Crimea’ by Orlando Figes.
Our group does not meet at a set time/day – please check with the Group Leader.
We now have a waiting list for new members – please contact Gwynneth, the group leader for further information.

Barbara Smith
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
Monthly on the last Wednesday of each month 11.30 at The Fox Inn, 1 Eastgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1XX
We usually stay for lunch as no charge is made by The Fox.
New members are always welcome whether experienced or not.
What do we do?
Did an ancestor serve time for embezzlement? Was another transported to Australia for stealing a piano? Were there bigamists in the family? I love the baddies : there is always so much more written about them than the good, honest ag. labs. who were born, married and died leaving no other record of their lives.
We are a mixed group, from those with more than 30 years experience to those who have yet to begin. If you have ever wondered about your ancestors this is the group for you. We would love to help you get started.
We also like to try to break through those ‘Brick Walls’; we have sometimes had great success with this.
We are open to suggestions for topics for discussion.
History of the English Language

Liz Barham
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
Dates: 2nd Thursday of the month:
Time: 10.30am to 12 noon.
Venue: in a member’s house in central Bury
What do we do?
We will be looking at how the English language has developed over the centuries starting with the Celtic and Roman influences, and progressing through Anglo Saxon and Middle English to the Early Modern Age.
It is a fascinating story of change: no previous knowledge is needed, and as we will be a maximum of 6 there will be plenty of discussion – this is not intended as a lecture series!
Members will be encouraged to contribute their own information and examples. You will need to purchase a copy of Charlie Haylock’s book ‘In a Manner of Speaking – The Story of the English Language’ as we will use this as a starting point each month – it is chronologically written.
We will request a contribution to refreshments but no charge for the venue as a member has kindly offered her home to meet in.
This group has now started a waiting list, if you are interested in this group please email the group co-ordinator to be added to the waiting list. If there is sufficient interest and a volunteer organiser comes forward it may be possible to start a second group.

Brian Lillistone
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
We normally meet on the first Thursday of each month (except January) in the morning mostly at 10.30am – but occasionally this has to be changed due to availability of venues or clashes of events.
What do we do?
Members make their own way to the selected Church or village for 10.30am when a talk and tour with a local guide is organised.
Coffee is usually arranged and a venue for lunch is suggested for those who wish to stay on.
We have had a recent influx of new members so we have decided that we cannot take any more members for the present. Our membership is more than enough for some of the smaller churches that we visit if everyone turned up so a second group has been started.
If people would like to join the second group starting please contact Mark : interestgroups@u3aburystedmunds.co.uk
Suffolk Churches and Villages – Group 2

Pat Field
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
Third Thursday of the month (except December) – Morning
What do we do?
Members make their own way to the selected Church or village for 11.00am when a talk and tour with a local guide is generally organised.
Coffee is usually arranged and a venue for lunch is suggested for those who wish to stay on.

Jayne Gilbert
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
First Monday of the month starting at 10.30 in Horringer.
What do we do?
This self-help group aims to give support to its members by sharing memories thus prompting recollections of our own past. Each month everyone reads something they have written and the Group discusses each piece and makes (helpful) comments. Some hope to publish, others just want to compile their life story for family and friends.
There is the occasional lunch or visit.
For your enjoyment, click below to see two small articles written by a member of this group. If you can imagine a Midwest voice telling the tale in that distinctive accent, well…read it and see for yourself!
Click here for 1st Article and here for 2nd Article
And here is a poem written by Brenda Fraser-Newstead who has re-located and which she dedicated to Sue Rawlings, a member of the group, who passed away in Sept. 2016
This group has now started a waiting list. However, if you are interested in this group please also email secretary@u3aburystedmunds.co.uk whereby other interested members are being noted with the aim to start a second group.