Arlene Sabatini
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When do we meet?
Second Wednesday of each month
10:00 to 11:30am
What do we do?
We are a friendly social group bonding over a radio programme that’s been woven into British culture for over 70 years and continues in popularity.
There is an abundance of contemporary and relevant topics to discuss in a coffee morning format. We laugh, speculate where plot lines are going and spot new themes early.
We reminisce about the comfort given when we listened from abroad or from a topic that has touched our own lives.
The group is now full. A waiting list will be maintained.
Bridge : Beginners & Improvers
Chris Park
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When do we meet?
The Bridge group meets every Thursday in The Apex between 10-12pm.
What do we do?
The group is only suitable for those people who have some experience of the game. There is no formal teaching but the sessions take the form of Duplicate Bridge and are supported by Chris Park as our tutor.
We are a friendly mixed ability group with about 24 people attending each week. We can accommodate a few more people and there is no need to bring a partner as everyone will get a game. Hand sanitiser is available on entry and face masks are optional.
There is no charge but members are encouraged to buy a drink from The Apex Coffee Shop.
The Group is currently full, if you would like to go on the waiting list please contact the Group Leader.
Alternatively, waiting list members could start a second Bridge Group – please fill in the form, section 1 https://www.u3aburystedmunds.co.uk/joining-a-group/
Trudy Roberts
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When do we meet?
We meet on a Friday, fortnightly at 1:45pm for a 2.00pm start to 4.30pm upstairs in the Apex
Please contact Trudy, Group Leader for details.
What do we do?
Canasta originated in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1939.
Initially, you make melds of 3 cards of the same value which you build on to make a Canasta (7 cards). Cards have different values according to their face value. The purpose of the game is to reach 5,000 points. The more points you score, the more card values you need to put in an initial meld – in other words, you are handicapped. This is what makes the game interesting.
I have a copy of the Canasta card game that we would follow because I know that there are several different ways to play.
Beginners and new members are always welcome.
Greg Hart
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When do we meet?
every Monday 10.00 am- 12.00pm upstairs at The Apex
What do we do?
The chess group is for people of all abilities; from absolute beginners to Russian 12 year olds!
We’re a friendly bunch who don’t take chess too seriously. Instruction/guidance provided if required.
Boards and pieces provided. No fees.
Why not come along and check us out? Just turn up if that suits you.
Peter Keen
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When do we meet?
12 noon on Wednesdays, fortnightly. (Please contact me for actual dates)
The Manger at Bradfield Combust
What do we do?
Meet up, have a coffee, play several hands of crib (cards and boards provided), have lunch and then go home.
Games can comprise of 2, 3 or 4 players.
We are a convivial group of people who enjoy playing Crib, with life stories to tell/ exchange.
The morning starts with coffee before playing groups sort themselves out, arranging in tables of 3 or 4 players.
Play is much fun and very lively, interrupted only by ample lunch served in quality and quantity.
Never had a dull session yet.
This group is now full. If you would like to be added to the waiting list please email the Group Leader.
Richard Sabatini
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When do we meet?
Monthly at 13:00 at the Manger, Bradfield Combust on the second Tuesday.
Please contact the organiser to confirm dates and availability.
What do we do?
An oversubscription of this popular interest group triggered the creation of this new Cribbage: Tuesday group.
We meet in the same venue and follow a similar format. organising into groups of 2,3 or 4 to play rounds of cribbage over good food with friendly people. Boards are provided. All are welcome whether novice or veteran.
John Moody
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When do we meet?
We meet at 2:00pm on the last Monday of the month upstairs at The APEX.
What do we do?
We are a group exploring and developing our skills in Cryptic Crosswords. Solving abilities in the group range from the novice to more experienced solvers. Each month we cover:
- Solving a Quick Cryptic crossword of the Month together. A link to this is sent a few weeks beforehand so members can have a go on their own.
- A briefing on and then practice at cryptic clues of Clue Type of the Month. We are following the sequence of the U3A Cryptic Crossword subject adviser Henry Howarth’s online course and book Learn How to Solve Cryptic Crosswords: A Course for Beginners.
- A selection of Clues of the Month
- Practice at setting clues with Words of the Month
The group is led by John Moody, an experienced cryptic crossword solver, blogger and compiler. John is a Times Crossword Championship semi-finalist, leader of the crossword blogging site Times for The Times and founding compiler and editor of the Weekend Quick Cryptic Crossword series.
People who are keen to learn are as welcome as those who have some existing knowledge. Please contact the group organiser if you would like to join us.
Stephen Recaldin
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Irene Dunnett
When do we meet?
Second Friday of each month 10.00am
We normally meet at the Oddfellows Hall on Whiting Street. Refreshments available. Admission is free although we do ask for a voluntary donation to Parkinsons UK.
What do we do?
This is a very sociable group which meets every month.
Ordinarily, you work in a small team. No prizes. No losers. Just light-hearted sociable fun with 10 rounds of quickfire questions and answers.
98% of all questions are answered by someone so don’t be shy; come and check us out.
If you’ve got the answers to most of the questions and you’ve had fun then I’ve done my job.
The quiz format has been changed somewhat, so you should see some improvements, it’s still all fairly light-hearted fun!
Please be sure to allow time to buy a drink before we start at 10am.
Mavis Winders
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When do we meet?
We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 12.00 at a previously agreed venue.
What do we do?
We are a group of people who enjoy socialising and eating!
We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 12.00 at a previously agreed venue for lunch. The venue for the following meeting is decided by those present giving everyone a chance to participate and introduce us to new places. It is planned that venues will be in Bury and surrounding areas not too far out of town.
The group is not yet full so why not come along? Contact the group organiser for details of the next meeting.
Jeff Paine
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When do we meet?
The venue is my home in Bury St Edmunds on Thursday mornings between 10 and 12 noon.
Course dates by arrangement.
What do we do?
A five-week introductory course followed by play and further instruction.
Preferred minimum number four players and maximum number eight players.
Any member of the u3a is welcome to attend subject to the above restrictions. I currently have four members on the waiting list for the start of the next season.
David Daw
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Mary Proctor
When do we meet?
Third Thursday of the month 2:30-4:30pm at the Thomas Clarkson Centre.
There is a small cost to each member to cover the cost of the room hire at £10 per 3-month term (£3.33/month).
New members are welcome to come along and check us at at no cost.
Plus a field trip once a month – usually the first Thursday of the month. Please contact the Group Leader for details.
What do we do?
Open to all levels of experience. The desire to improve your photography skills could range from the desire to capture memories through to learning more artistic or creative techniques.
Are you interested to learn along side each other or have an interest in a particular form of photography, whether it be for your holiday snaps, or landscape, portrait, family occasions, animals, pets, wildlife, insects, buildings, objects, flowers, street, sport, black & white, macro, or just to feel more confident taking photos?
Come along regardless of the type of camera you have whether it is on your mobile phone, instant, bridge or SLR camera.
There is no expectation that anyone is an expert who has to teach the others, the philosophy behind u3a is that we learn from each other – and preferably have fun too.
Each month a photo theme and technical topic selection will be based as far as possible on members’ suggestions. For example: Shutter speed as technical topic and photo theme ‘fill the frame with colour’
Our aim is to be an inclusive group and encourage shared learning.
New members with any level of experience are welcome and should contact Mary Proctor.
Browse through a selection of our member’s photos here member’s photos
Brenda Rehahn
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When do we meet?
We gather on Monday afternoons, 2 till 4 on the mezzanine floor at the Apex.
What do we do?
There’s not really any organising to do. We turn up with our boards and word books and get on with it!
Frances Lewis
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When do we meet?
Usually first Monday, 2.15pm to 4.15pm each month at the Thomas Clarkson Centre
What do we do?
At our monthly meetings, members, and sometimes outside speakers, share their travel experiences with the rest of the Group by means of illustrated talks.
Each year we arrange a group visit, travelling together by coach, to a UK city where we stay in a hotel for a few days and explore the special places of interest nearby.
We also arrange day visits to local places of interest in the East Anglia area. Members join together for foreign travel.
This is quite a big Group but we try always to welcome new members and there are plenty of opportunities for people to take part in helping with the Group.
New members welcome.
Note: to contact the group leader, Frances, her email has an “underscore” between her first and surname: frances_lewis
If you move your mouse to hover over her email, then click, it will automatically copy and open in your email-app.
Bob Stopp
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When do we meet?
We meet on the second Thursday every two months, at the United Reformed Church in Whiting Street at 7.00 pm and each session lasts approximately 2 hours. Limited parking is available. the next meeting is on October the 10th 2024.
What do we do?
The u3a Wine Appreciation Society has now been running for 10 years.
Our objective is to take a not too serious look at the world of wine by keeping up to date with all new trends and products available on the market; discussing Grape varieties and new trends often with blind tastings.
The group now has considerable experience in buying and tasting and all members are welcome to front a session should they wish.
We normally taste and discuss 7 – 9 wines and conduct regular “blind” tastings all of which are a lot of fun.
Membership needs to be restricted to 30. The group is at present oversubscribed and there is a waiting list. Inquiries from new members would always be welcome. Please contact me directly, Bob.
Tasting glasses and tasting sheets are provided. A kitchen is available for the supply of water.
All costs are shared and the average “fee” will be £12 per head, this covers the cost of wines and of course the room hire and parking charge, this is presided over by our treasurer working in conjunction with the u3a in Bury.
In the past, we have organised a group visit to a local vineyard and this is something we hope to repeat.
Future plans hope to include Food, Cheese, and Wine pairings.
Membership needs to be restricted to 30. The group is at present oversubscribed and there is a waiting list. Inquiries from new members would always be welcome. Please contact me directly, Bob.
Cheryl Wilder
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When do we meet?
Monthly on the third Wednesday from 4:00 to 6:00pm.
Venue – Member’s home
What do we do?
Due to popular demand a second Wine Appreciation Interest Group has started.
This group is now full. Please contact the group leader if you’d like to be added to the waiting list. Plus you can complete the form on Joining a new group of the same subject, click here. Join another wine group
We have capped the group at 12-13 to allow everyone to be involved and contribute in the discussions during the tastings.
The idea for the group is to do a survey of wines from nine primary styles of wine and the 12 top wine producing countries around the world.
We sample 6-7 wines each month. We take turns to volunteer (if they want) to research and bring the wine one month and guidance on groups of wine to sample can be provided.
All costs are shared, and we each pay £12 per head covering the cost of wines.